In the beginning of your travel with Polish numerals you learn how to speak about your age. You know that if you are 22,23,24 (and other numbers with 2,3,4 in the end) you have to use the form lata “Mam dwadzieÅ›cia dwa, dwadzieÅ›cia trzy lata”, and when you are a teen or you are 25,26,27,28,29,30,21 (and so on except 2,3,4 in the end) you need to use the form lat “Mam siedemnaÅ›cie lat”, “Mam dwadzieÅ›cia siedem lat” .
It’s all because numerals above 5 are treated as they were nouns and we need to use genitive function “part of something”. So literally it is “2,3,4 eggs” but it’s not “5 eggs” – it’s  “5 of eggs”. To sum up :
2,3, 4(22,23,24 (…)) – NOMINATIVE PLURAL
everything more than 5 and except 2,3, 4(22,23,24 (…))  – GENITIVE PLURAL
“Dzisiaj jest 23 stopnie” but “Dzisiaj jest 25 stopni”
“Mam 2 domy” but ” Ona ma 11 domów”
“Jacek ma w portfelu 4 zÅ‚ote” but “Marina ma w portfelu 8 zÅ‚otych” (Uwaga! ZÅ‚oty is an adjective)
First the easier exercise just with “rok, lat, lata” and then the harder one with different nouns.