Do you remember the post about What do you need to know to be on A2 level? If you already know everything from that list, here comes more:
What do you need to know on level B1 in Polish? (apart from all the list on A2)
- Nouns and adjectives in singular and plural forms in masculine and feminine
- Cases – a review
- Wołacz (Vocative)
- Nouns – declination – a review (Verbal nouns)
- Pronouns – declination in singular and in plural forms
- Adjectives – declination in singular and in plural forms – a review
- Numerals – declination in singular and in plural forms – a review
- Prepositions
- Conjugation – a review (leżysz, cieszysz się, bierzesz, weźmiesz, itp.)
- Active voice and reflexive verbs – a review
- Impersonal verbs (trzeba, można, warto) – a review
- Imperatives
- Conditional sentences with „gdyby” and kind requests („Chcielibyśmy poprosić”)
- Verbs of movement and their repeatability (iść : chodzić, jechać : jeździć, itp.)
- Grade of adjectives
- Adverbs – forms, functions and grade
- Nationalities and its adjectives (Polska – Polak – polski)
- Creating feminine nouns – a review
- Verbal nouns
- Conjunctions (więc, dlatego)
- Adjunct – a review
- People (personal information, nationality, education, languages, profession, occupation, appearance, clothing, features of personality, feelings and emotions ()
- Family and family life (pregnancy and labor, types and sizes of families, family relations, family history, relatives, family events, love)
- Every day life (routine, parts of a day, every day products, social life)
- Lifestyle (guilty pleasure)
- Free time (hobby, entertainment, ways of relaxation)
- Sport (sport disciplines, gym sport events)
- Apartment (size, location, type of apartment, rooms and furniture, renting a place)
- Places (size, location and type of towns, basic places in the cities, types of buildings – poczta, przystanek, kościół, city plan, country side life vs the city life, city characteristics)
- Travelling (means of transportation, where can we stay, tourist attractions, public transport and means of transportation, travel agencies, tours, types of luggage, travel documents)
- Job and work (professions and places of work, holidays, timetables, types of jobs, salary and income, job market, labour legislation)
- Education (education system, types of school, school supplies, subjects at school, university faculties, school life and it’s problems, grades, school marks, exams, tests, homework, extra – curricular activities)
- Food (products, meals, dishes, drinks (wine), tableware and cutlery, cookware, recipes, eating places, polska kuchnia),
- Shopping (types of shops and what you can buy there, products – their ingredients and characteristics, information – discounts and advertising, measurements, money, service places – fryzjer, kosmetyczka, szewc, methods of payment)
- Health and hygiene (mood, personal hygiene, body parts, sickness and illness – basic diseases, visits at the doctor’s and dentist’s, pharmacy, diet and healthy lifestyle, accidents)
- Nature (climate, weather, seasons (spring), landscapes, names of basic plants, animals and pets: police dogs, animals and art, wildlife conservation)
- State and society (countries and their political systems, national holidays, political and economical situation, most important Polish political parties, living conditions, crimes, war)
- Science and technology (development of science, computers, discoveries and inventions)
- Media (press, radio, television, Internet)
- Culture (cultural areas – literature, film, music, dance, cultural events – opening nights, festivals, awards, participation in culture, outstanding artists) ; check out my podcast to learn more about Polish culture and famous Polish people
- Other (current events, stereotypes, current political and social events)