
Portret Nataszy (Kindle edition)

“Portret Nataszy” is a short-story about a Polish family which was divided by time, ocean and a woman. It is also a must-read for Polish language learners who are looking for a more entertaining way to learn, enjoy reading but struggle with literature written for native speakers.

This story has been written in simplified Polish and it aims to give you joy and a feeling of progress. It contains 5 chapters and 167 footnotes with English translations of the most difficult words and phrases. Its author’s experience as a Polish language teacher helped her understand the difficulties of her future readers and adjust the vocabulary and grammar of the text making it available for elementary and lower-intermediate students.

Reading “Portret Nataszy” you will be able to enjoy the story and learn interesting words from the context without working hard with a dictionary and translating every second word!

This book is a part of a series called Polski Daily Stories and was primarly published as 5 podcast episodes which are still available on Spotify, Apple Podcasts, other apps with podcasts and Polski Daily website.

Trzymajcie się razem (Kindle edition)

“Trzymajcie się razem” is a short-story for Polish language learners. It tells a story of two Jewish sisters and their fate during and after the war. Even though it is set during and after the war, it is an uplifting tale about sisterhood.

“This story brought me to tears!” wrote one of the first readers, a student from the U.S.

“Trzymajcie się razem” was first published as 5 episodes on Polski Daily Stories and Talks podcast. The audio is still available on all podcast platforms. It was written in simplified podcast so you can read it even if you are not very advanced in Polish. It also contains 188 footnotes with translations of the most difficult words, phrases and sentences so you don’t check them up in a dictionary.

Być jak Polak & Nie o takim życiu marzyłam: 2 Engaging Stories in Simplified Polish for Polish Language Learners (Kindle edition)

This book is for you if you enjoy reading and want to immerse yourself in Polish language. It will help you get used to Polish syntax, build your vocabulary and make you enjoy learning more than any regular coursebook.

It contains two short-stories written in simplified Polish but full of useful vocabulary and interesting characters. They also have footnotes with translations of the most difficult vocabulary and phrases.

1. “Być jak Polak” is about Jason, an American man who encouraged by his Polish childhood friends learns Polish and travels to Poland when the reality isn’t as beautiful as he expected.

2. “Nie o takim życiu marzyłam” is a story of Maja, a woman from a poor country who hates her reality, country and lack of perspectives. She strives for more and wants to be successful even if it means she has to sacrifices her family.

12 opowiadań z ćwiczeniami | 12 short stories with exercises

Książka Czytam po polsku. 12 opowiadań z ćwiczeniami zawiera:
– 12 opowiadań na poziomach A2-B1
– ćwiczenia sprawdzające rozumienie tekstu pisanego
– ćwiczenia leksykalno-gramatyczne pod każdym opowiadaniem
– słowniczek PL / EN z zaznaczonymi idiomami
– klucz odpowiedzi
– przypisy kulturowe

Ćwiczenia zawarte w Czytam po polsku. 12 opowiadań z ćwiczeniami  przeznaczone są do pracy indywidualnej, ale mogą być też wykorzystywane przez nauczycieli na kursach grupowych, jako materiał uzupełniający. Studenci mogą wykorzystać Czytam po polsku jako dodatkowy materiał wspomagający przygotowanie do egzaminu certyfikatowego na poziomie B1.

Opowiadania zamieszczone w książce są krótkie, ale treściwe i stanowią osobne opowieści, które wywołują u czytelnika różne emocje – od śmiechu, przez złość, aż do wzruszenia. Język użyty w Czytam po polsku. 12 opowiadań z ćwiczeniami jest prosty, jednakże dzięki tej nieskomplikowanej budowie, czytelnik jest w stanie bez problemu śledzić narrację. Wszystkie opowiadania są o życiu codziennym różnych Polaków i każda historia zawiera jakiś morał, lekcję – nie tylko poprawnego formułowania zdań. 


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