How to learn Polish (and not go crazy)?

I know Polish is one of the most difficult languages of all, and I know you can feel a bit overwelmed when you start learning it. Don’t worry about it! Just take it one step at the time, don’t give up and try to surround yourself with the language. Listen to some Polish songs, watch a TV show or a movie in Polish (with the subtitles of course!), put some stickers on the things around you to memorise their names easier. And well… keep calm and continue! 😉

And in case you’re feeling down and you feel you’re kind of losing your motivation, I prepared some nice Polish motivating quotes to keep you going! So – in case of an emergency – you don’t have to break the glass, you can just take a look here, at the Polski Daily website! 🙂



1. Inny język, to inne spojrzenie na życie

A different language is a different vision of life!

– Federico Fellini


2. Błędem jest doprowadzić do nieporozumienia!

A mistake is to commit a misunderstanding!

– Bob Dylan


3. Nauka to skarb, który podąża za Tobą dokądkolwiek zmierzasz

Learning is a treasure that will follow its owner everywhere.

– Chinese Proverb

4. 5 minut dziennie jest lepsze niż 0 minut dziennie!

5 minutes a day is still more than 0 minutes a day!

– Paulina from Polski Daily


5. Jeśli powiesz coś do człowieka w języku, który rozumie, trafi to do jego głowy. Jeżeli powiesz to do niego w jego ojczystym języku, trafi to prosto do jego serca!

If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart!

– Nelson Mandela

6. Znajomość języków to wrota do mądrości

Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom.

– Roger Bacon


7. Nigdy nie rezygnuj z osiągnięcia celu tylko dlatego, że osiągnięcie go wymaga czasu. Ten czas przecież i tak upłynie! 

Never give up on your goal because accomplishing it takes time. That time will pass anyway!

– H. Jackson Brown Jr.


8. Naucz się nowego języka, zyskasz nową duszę

Learn a new language and get a new soul.

– Czech Proverb

9. Nie powinno się celować w bycie zrozumianym, lecz w bycie niemożliwym do niezrozumienia.

One should not aim at being possible to understand but at being impossible to misunderstand.

– Marcus Fabius Quintilian


10. Zmień język, a zmienisz swoje myśli!

Change your language and you change your thoughts!

– Karl Albrecht


how to learn Polish

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