PD029 “Nauka języka to maraton, a nie sprint” rozmowa z Jervisem Deanem
This episode is for ADVANCED students.
Jervis comes from Australia and is an active member of Facebook groups I belong to. Also of my group “Polish for foreigners – Mówimy po polsku”. He took part in our Polish Language Challenge a couple of months ago and a couple of weeks ago we started having weekly classes on Skype. I was impressed by his level of Polish and very happy because I love teaching advanced students too! I’ve decided to invite him to my podcast to show you becoming advanced in Polish IS possible.
In this episode he said very valuable words “Nauka języka to maraton, a nie sprint” Learning a language is a marathon, not a sprint”. I agree with him in 100%. We can’t think we can achieve fluency in a year or even two because our ambition will extinguish our motivation.
Listen to the episode and check out how he made it to fluency, what were his techniques and, of course, why did he even start!
This podcast’s transcript may take a lot of time because interviews are very time-consuming so I apologise in advance it won’t be available for a week or two since the date of its release. I’ll try to find time to type it though 🙂
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