A Retro-Summer-Vacation trend you’ll LOVE!

Retroholidays is a new word, recently very popular in Polish media. It refers to the way of spending your time off work surrounded by nature. Due to the global coronavirus pandemic, majority of Polish people will back out of their plans of going abroad – partly because of the money, and partly because they’re scared of the disease. Newspapers say, many Poles will make a decision to use this year to teach their children about the ways they used to spent their summers in the past – therefore the name – retro holidays!

And how are these retroholidays supposed to look? There are many ideas!

Some will go to the sea side, others will choose to go to at the lakes. Many Poles will go camping – they will take their sleeping bags, tents, flysheets (in case of the rain), a gas tourist stove with some pots to be able to make themselves a cup of coffee or sausages for breakfast. They will set the tent by the lake and they will be sunbathing and swimming every day! 

Some will probably take fishing rods with them, they will be going fishing during the days and in the evenings they will grill and eat it. The ones resting at the sea side will eat waffles with ice cream at the beach, fish and chips for lunch and go strall along the beach chasing sunsets and enjoying vintage looking funparks that travel along the cost in the summer…  

By the way, currently on Netflix you can find two really good Polish productions that are a little bit about this kind of old school holidays. One is a bit more current, the second one mixes the present with early 90s. You should totally watch it! Pay attention to the outfits and music… The 90s were the best!! These productions are called „W lesie dziś nie zaśnie nikt” (I don’t think there is an English translation of the title, literally it means „no one will fall asleep in the forest tonight”, I’m sure you can watch it with English subtitles though – it’s the very fist Polish slasher!) and the second one is based on Harlen Coben’s book „The Woods” – the crime drama.

But don’t be afraid, it doesn’t mean that every camping by the lake kind of a holiday ends badly in Poland! 😀

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